Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions for renters and independent producers:
Unless otherwise specified Bughouse Theater will provide:
-8 channel PA system (with 3.5mm male aux headphone plug)
-Projector and Screen with HDMI video capability (Audio must be run through PA)
-One microphone
-Light board with full wash capability and one center focused fresnel special light.
-WIFI (password upon request)
-For performances, a house manager from the theater to assist you with basic needs. They will be able to let you in the theater 45 min prior to your show, unless other arrangements are made.
-Shelby, Artist Director, or Joe, Executive Director, can also provide assistance by phone the day of the show.
-Once submitted promotional materials are approved, we will most likely post them on our social media accounts. Timing of this may vary and is at the discretion of our marketing personnel.
At this time we are unable to provide:
-a stage manager
-Tech person for running your show
*Bughouse Staff will most likely be acting as House manager and box office staff and may not be able to help. They should not be expected to fill any of these roles. If needed, we can provide a handful of names for tech personnel that you may hire separately.
What we need from you:
-Promotional materials should be sent to socialmedia@bughousetheater.com for approval.
-At this time, promotional materials should list a ticket price or, if a donation based entry (Buyouts only), list the show as "Pay what you can." or suggest a donation amount. Please refrain from listing the admission as "free".
-Email confirming you are either donating proceeds to the theater or you are paying a rental fee and collecting donations for your production.
-Provide your own tech staff.
-If you need a tech rehearsal prior to your event, please reserve an available rehearsal time with Shelby (booking@bughousetheater.com). The discounted rehearsal rate for tech rehearsals is $10 an hour.
BYOB policy: (which we take very seriously and will get us shut down if violated.)
We are A BYOB establishment, with certain limitations. No one affiliated with Bughouse, nor a producer of any show, nor a performer of any show may give alcohol to an audience member. The BYOB designation is intended for individuals to bring their own beverages to consume. A group of legal aged performers may share alcohol among themselves, a group of legal aged audience members may share alcohol among themselves, BUT AT NO POINT should anyone who could reasonably be confused as acting on the theater’s behalf (producers, performers, staff, etc.) give, distribute, or reveal the location of any alcohol. That means handing out cans OR pointing to a cooler where cans are kept. We cannot provide cups. We cannot provide bottle openers or corkscrews.
-For Rehearsals, you may be asked to let yourself into the theater and lock up when you leave. In those instances, other instructions will follow and/or can be attained by contacting your liaison or Shelby (773-771-5163) or Joe (773-296-6167).
-For insurance** purposes, your production will be considered a co-production of Bughouse Theater for the duration of the run from first rehearsal or performance, whichever is earliest, to final performance or rehearsal, whichever is last. We DO NOT claim any rights over intellectual property generated in the process, nor accept any liability or responsibility for material presented on stage. Likewise, we do not accept any financial responsibility for the production.
The co-production arrangement is strictly for the purposes of qualifying your activities in our space as insurable.
**If your production company carries its own insurance please provide a Certificate of Insurance with our address listed (Bughouse Theater, 1910 W. Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60613). In this instance your production will NOT be considered a co-production of Bughouse Theater and all of your activities will be covered under your insurance policy.
Rental Rates
Rentals rate plans are as follows: (Please consult your invoice to confirm for which plan you are signed up.)
Sun-Wed and matinees: $100
Thu-Sat: $150
70 / 30 Plan: Producer pays fee in full up front. Producer recoups rental amount from the top of the ticket sales. Producer and Bughouse split proceeds 70/30 after Producer has broken even.
50 / 50 Plan: Producer pays half the fee up front. Bughouse takes the other half of the fee from the top of ticket sales. Producer recoups their half next. Producer and Bughouse split proceeds 50 / 50 once both parties have broken even.
For rentals, we ask that tickets be set at a $10 minimum.
Buyout Rates:
Sun-Thur and matinees: $200
Fri-Sat: $300
Producers keep 100% of ticket proceeds and may set the ticket price.
NOTE on cancellations: Deposits are non-refundable upon cancelation by producers or renters. If Bughouse has to cancel an event, deposits will be refunded in full.